August 02, 2010


I’ve discovered a news paper, a really interesting one THE GERMAN VOGUE NEWS PAPER. But what I’ve missed, compared to an ordinary newspaper was anything critical. So I’ve decided to add some more topics…well, rather headlines than topics, something striking, just to complete the all in all really good news from the Vogue Magazine. Well, you can understand these topics that I’ve added either in a positive or negative way towards the powerful and popular fashion industry. It’s up to you! These pictures shouldn’t offend anyone, no - they should make people think about this whole business and some topics that are often not discussed.
Special Thanks to my fabulous friends, Ingrid Laggner and Manfred Schrittesser, you did an awesome job and I loved working with you!!!! Xx Armin G.

Photo: Armin Grossegger, Models: Ingrid Laggner, Manfred Schrittesser, Make-Up: Armin Grossegger, Hair: Manfred Schrittesser, Director: Armin Grossegger


Ute@HungryinLondon said...

Ohhh gorgeous!!! Armin - super fotos, Ini und schritti - ihr schaut toll aus. nein mehr als toll.

Daniel said...

impressed, too.