July 03, 2010


Don’t we all have our little secrets, our passions which we try to hide from others? Some are hiding their vibrators in their “goody box” that is looking as unspectacular as possible. Others hide their weed in places you would never expect. Some of us decant their hard liquor into juice bottles not to show anyone their passion…or even addiction. It is something that we hide, maybe it is, because we are ashamed to admit our personal weakness that’s deep in our souls, or we huggermugger those things simply to celebrate that passion just for ourselves. Some people are hiding ridiculously ordinary things…but hey…it’s their passion that they want to keep it to themselves.
I, for example, know a really cute guy from New York …I call him “Chocolate-Boy” who is hiding his chocolate bars in his underwear drawer. I bet it makes him feel relieved to know that if he wakes up in the middle of the night, sweaty all over from a nightmare, or just hungry cause of a hot and steamy night, greedy for sugar, that there is a secret place, that no one knows, where he can satisfy his hunger for chocolate.
So, when sun goes down, and all cats are grey, we are all crawling out of our daily life to indulge our passion…those things that we hide from others. Xx Armin G.

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